What is IPL? The handset uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), which is a modern type of laser hair removal used for long-term, pain-free hair removal. Light energy is used on your hair, it absorbs the IPL which then heats and destroys the targeted hair cells.


 Is it safe? Yes! There have been a few studies around the world which prove the safety and effectiveness of IPL for hair removal. Due to this fact, it has become an extremely popular safe and effective method of hair removal. We always advise that you exercise caution when treating yourself as not everyone is suitable for IPL treatments. 


How long will it take before I see results? Most customers begin to notice a reduction of hair after just 3-4 treatments, with complete results after 12 treatments.  To maintain hairless smooth skin after that, use the handset once every 2 to 3 months for a touch up or as needed.  However, results vary from person to person. 

  Clinical Results RoseSkinCo IPL Laser


Does it hurt? One of the biggest advantages of IPL over other types of laser is that it is far less painful. Most customers explain the feeling as a warm sensation on the skin.


Are there any side effects to IPL? When using the handset as recommended, side effects are rare. Redness and swelling is the most common side effect from IPL, which will quickly subside after treatment.


How Many years will this product last? Our handsets have a use-life of 500,000 flashes, which will last well over 15+ years if used as directed.


What modes does the handset have? Our handsets have 3 modes you can use it on. Manual mode, where the handset will flash as you press the trigger button. Glide mode where it will flash, once the handset is ready, as you hold the trigger button down continuously. Auto mode, where the handset will flash on its own (when ready), without you pressing any buttons at all.


Do I have to shave before using IPL? Yes, we recommend that you shave the desired areas between treatments and before using your handset. Shaving takes the hair down to the appropriate length whereas not to cause any burns during treatment but also allowing the hair root to get targeted effectively. Other forms of hair removal including waxing and tweezing will remove the hair root entirely. Which won't allow the IPL to target the root. 


Is it normal for there to be a slight burning smell when using the device? Yes, this is completely normal. As the light energy is heating the hair, you may smell a slight burning but this just means there may be some hairs that have not been shaved. Please ensure that you have prepped the skin correctly, and that the skin is completely shaved before starting your session.


Which hair removal methods can I use between treatments? Between treatments you should only shave when required. You should never wax, pluck, or epilate as these hair removal methods remove the entire root, which is what absorbs the light during the treatment.

Does this remove hair permanently? You actually have to be careful when anyone claims ‘permanent’ hair removal as all forms of IPL/Laser hair removal require some maintenance, or eventually the hair will start growing back. After completing your initial sessions with our handsets you will only have to use your handset once every 3 months to maintain smooth, hairless skin.


Which areas of my body can I use this on? You can use your handset on your whole body, including your brazilian and face (just be sure to not get too close to your eyes).


Is it safe to use over tattoos? You should never IPL over tattoos. This will cause the IPL to target the tattoo and could produce burns and a painful experience. However, going around tattoos to treat an area is fine. 


Do I need to wear eye protection? No, it isn't necessary to wear eye protection while using our handset.  Our handsets are fitted with a sensor and will not pulse and light unless the entire window is pressed against your skin. That being said you should never try and look directly into the light as it flashes.

Is it safe to use IPL over freckles and moles? You should not IPL over very dark freckles or moles, however light freckles are fine. If you have an area you wish to treat that has dark freckles or moles, it is recommended to color over them with a white pencil if possible.


The handset is not suitable if you have any of the following:

  • A skin disease such as allergic dermatitis, eczema, etc
  • A known skin disorder
  • Photosensitive epilepsy
  • Black or fuscescens nevus
  • Are menstruating, pregnant or lactating
  • Black or Sunburnt skin (please refer to the skin tone chart)
  • Any artificial aesthetic, prosthetic or plastic area
  • Broken skin, a scab or healed wound, cancer or hemangioma 


Is it safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding? Although no evidence stating that IPL has negative effects on pregnant or breastfeeding women exists, we still cannot recommend using our handset if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, just as a precaution.


Can I use the device before or after tanning? If you have been tanning recently, we must recommend waiting 2 weeks before using your handset. Please also wait at least 48 hours to tan after using your handset. Artificial tan should also not be on your skin whilst using your handset.


What is the recommended age to use the device? We advise that users of our handsets are 16 and older.


Is the device suitable for men? Definitely! Our handsets are suitable for both men and women.


How do I clean my handset? Cleaning of the handset is advised after each use. You can use an alcohol wipe, or any antibacterial product to clean down the handset and the light window after treatment. Ensure your handset is powered off, and not plugged in before doing so. You should then store the handset in a cool, dry place after use (once the handset is completely dry).


How is the handset powered? Our handsets are not cordless, and will need to be plugged into the power supply at all times of use. Our handsets come with a 3 metre, 12v power supply.


Are there any reoccurring costs? No. This product is a once-off purchase. There is absolutely no need for replacements or refills.


Does IPL work for all skin tones? PL is suitable for all but the darkest skin tones. This is because the light energy may be more attracted to the pigments in the skin rather than the melanin in the hair. Refer to the skin tone chart below to see whether or not IPL is suitable for you.


Does IPL work on all hair colors? IPL relies on melanin in the hair absorbing the light energy, and therefore IPL is not effective on very light blonde, red, or grey colored hair.


Money-back guarantee and warranty Not happy? Not a problem! We are proud to offer a risk-free 90 day money-back guarantee. Just follow our money-back guarantee protocol to receive a full refund! 

Your handset is covered by a full 1 year warranty! If your handset has any defects within 1 year of use we will replace it!